This chilling story begins with a nurse named Kate losing her beloved mother, and vowing to spread her ashes in Jerusalem at the Wailing Wall, something her mother would have wanted Kate to do. Her mother always wanted to visit, but never got around to it. Soon, we are introduced to Matt, a handsome potential lover for Kate, and they are swiftly immersed into each others lives .
When a visit to a potential new home for Kate should have warded her of wanting the place, Kate presses forward and purchases the house anyway. She finds that the back history of the house revealed 7 previous suicides on the property. Being brave, Kate doesn't care. It doesn't take long at all until strange things begin to occur, and Kate deems the old house haunted. Things spiral down in short order, and Kate set's out to rid the house of evil with the help of her boyfriend Matt.
This thrilling tale will leave you checking underneath your bed at night to make sure the monster's have gone. I was completely enthralled by the Author's writing style. I felt it was easy to read, and really made me feel like I was immersed into the story. Great imagery. Thank you Mrs. Jolicoeur for your brilliant work!
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