"TrustWorthy," The title of this suspenseful story, personifies an underlying and reoccurring theme throughout the entire novel. One of significant importance- the preservation of two sister's (Regan and Jessie's) family legacy. In this exquisite tale of dark meets light, as readers, we are met with the fears of the two sister's once again in book two. Looming questions plague the pair, invoking self doubt and inner struggles as we dive into their story of loss. An absolute destitution that has left the women mere shells of their former lives. Will their family's past ever be realized and their strength over evil falter? Will they finally be able to unlock the inner light that begs to be released? Again, we are faced with dark forces that only the two helpless sisters are able to interact with. I found this point of the story to be a highly symbolic test of the struggle a family must go through to attain dauntlessness and security. The immersive sacrifice of those the girls hold most dear, prove to be the ultimate evaluation of their sanctification and dedication to their heritage. Each sister is commissioned to keeping those around them most, safe. But, will it be enough? Will they be able to triumph over the depraved wickedness that haunts their every day lives to no avail?
Having read the first book in the series, I easily sunk back in to Mrs. Loren's infallible and veracious writing style. She has an artistic flair for interpreting details of her story, so that the reader falls in love with its elegance and charm. I eagerly await the next installment and urge anyone who has a chance, to pick up this valiant read.
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